Little Wonders Baby and Toddler Group
Little Wonders meets in Sowerby Parochial Hall from 10.00am to 11.30am on Monday mornings during school term time.
Little Wonders is a group for babies, toddlers and their parents, grandparents and carers. New families are always welcome. Little Wonders is run by volunteers from St Oswald’s Church, Sowerby Methodist Church and the Salvation Army Thirsk.
For more information email
Kids' Club
Kids’ Club meets in the Annex to Sowerby Parochial Hall at 10.30am on Sunday mornings for stories, crafts, Godly Play, creative prayers and songs.
St Oswald's Youth
Youth Group is a place where we have time to catch up, play some games, eat some snacks, chat about our weekly topic, and have some fun! For young people aged 11 to 18. We meet in Sowerby Parochial Hall:
1st Sunday of the month – Youth Group, group 1 17:30-19:00, group 2 19:00-20:30
2nd Sunday of the month – MORE (new this year, details below) 18:00-19:30 at The Vicarage
3rd Sunday of the month – Youth Group, group 1 17:30-19:00, group 2 19:00-20:30
4th Sunday of the month – Youth Social Night 18:00-19:30 All Groups Together.
Group 1 – School Year 6 – 8
Group 2 – School Year 9+
MORE is a new space to go deeper in faith. It is open to both groups, there will be a time of chat, food, study, prayer and worship. Why not come along?
For more information contact Revd David.
Messy Church
Saturdays, 11.00am till 1.00pm, in the Parochial Hall every few weeks
Crafts, games and lots of fun for all the family, followed by a Bible story, songs and a prayer activity. Then everyone has lunch together.