Children & Youth

Little Wonders Baby and Toddler Group

Little Wonders meets in Sowerby Parochial Hall from 10.00am to 11.30am on Monday mornings during school term time.

Little Wonders is a group for babies, toddlers and their parents, grandparents and carers. New families are always welcome. Little Wonders is run by volunteers from St Oswald’s Church, Sowerby Methodist Church and the Salvation Army Thirsk.

For more information email .

Kids' Club

Kids’ Club runs every Sunday in term-time during the 10:30am service for children aged 3-11 years. Activities are as follows:

  • 1st Sunday of the month – Godly Play in the Annexe
  • 2nd Sunday – Godly Play in the Annexe
  • 3rd Sunday – All together in church for Worship for All
  • 4th Sunday – Family Communion with Kids’ Club in the church kitchen

For younger children there are toys and activities available at the back of the church.

St Oswald's Youth

Youth Group is a place where we worship together, ponder the Lord and have time to catch up, play games, eat snacks, and have fun!  For young people in school years 6 to 13.  We meet in Sowerby Parochial Hall:

Youth Group runs 6:30pm-8:00pm every term time Sunday.

For more information contact Rachel.

Family Focused Events

Throughout the year

We have a number of exciting family-focused events and services throughout the year. To be put on the mailing list for regular updates please contact Rachel.